Fuzhou Strait Culture and Art Centre wins International Architecture Awards 2022
今年,150多个获奖建筑和城市规划项目从48个国家的450多份候选名单中脱颖而出。奖项评委包括意大利设计品牌Alessi Spa董事长Alberto Alessi,法拉利设计公司高级副总裁Flavio Manzoni,百事公司首席设计官Mauro Porcini以及可口可乐公司设计总监Damian Mycroft。
盛大的颁奖仪式及晚宴将于9月9日在希腊雅典的卫城举行。获奖项目将于2022年9月9日至25日在雅典当代空间作为 “城市与世界”展出,计划在欧洲巡回展出至2023年。这些项目将由大都会艺术出版社有限公司Christian Narkiewicz-Laine收录至《全球设计+城市化XXII-更多-国际建筑奖2022》进行出版。
2022年的全部获奖项目名单可在www.chi-athenaeum.org,www.internationalarchitectureawards.com 和www.europeanarch.eu 查阅。
更多关于海峡文化艺术中心的信息请点击 < https://www.pesark.com/strait.html>
The Fuzhou Strait Culture and Art Centre in Fujian, China, has been selected as a winner in the International Architecture Awards 2022 for the second year running. This year, the Strait Culture and Arts Centre was awarded in the Museums and cultural buildings category, following an award in 2021 in the Government buildings category.
Organised by The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design and The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies, the prestigious International Architecture Awards are the world’s first and oldest annual global design awards programme. The awards recognise the most significant and inspirational buildings of the year and set a global standard for architectural achievement worldwide.
This year, 150 plus award-winning buildings and urban planning projects were selected from a shortlist of over 450 submissions across 48 countries. The distinguished awards jury included Alberto Alessi, Alessi SpA; Flavio Manzoni, Senior Vice President, Ferrari Design; Mauro Porcini, Chief Design Officer, PepsiCo., Inc.; and Damian Mycroft, Design Director, Coca-Cola.
The gala awards dinner and ceremony will be held near the Acropolis in Athens, Greece on September 9. The winning projects will be exhibited at Contemporary Space Athens from 9 to 25 September 2022 as "The City and the World", scheduled to travel in Europe through 2023. The projects will also be published as a catalogue for Global Design + Urbanism XXII —MORE— THE INTERNATIONAL ARCHITECTURE AWARDS 2022 Add Nine (New International Architecture 2022) edited by Christian Narkiewicz-Laine for Metropolitan Arts Press Ltd.
A full list of winning projects for 2022 can be viewed at www.chi-athenaeum.org, www.internationalarchitectureawards.com and www.europeanarch.eu.
Read more about the Strait Culture and Art Centre < https://www.pesark.com/strait.html>