Prof. Pekka Salminen’s Open Memorial Event Held in Helsinki
On August 17, 2024, an open memorial event was held in Helsinki to celebrate Prof. Pekka Salminen’s work of life. This is to show deep gratitude towards the founder of the office for his work and dedication. The event also marked the 50th anniversary of the office, which will continue its path marked out by Pekka.
Family, friends and colleagues gathered together, honoring Pekka’s spirit and sharing memories about him. Architect Tuomas Silvennoinen, chairman of the board of PES-Architects delivered a speech. The event was also filled with loving music performances. PES-Architects Shanghai paid tribute in a video, displaying words from colleagues who had worked with Pekka, and footsteps Pekka left in China.
Vivid memories of Pekka lingered in the late summer breeze and sound of waves around this small island of Helsinki as well as each heart of those who have met and known him.
佩卡·萨米宁教授于2024年5月30日平静离世,他设计的位于芬兰、德国和中国的文化类建筑使他成为了享誉国际的建筑师。1937年8月11日佩卡·埃纳里·萨米宁(Pekka Einari Salminen)出生于芬兰坦佩雷。
萨米宁成为建筑师的求学之路非同寻常。在完成中学教育后,他先在坦佩雷理工学院学习建造建筑,学院为优秀杰出的学生提供了一条免于芬兰高中毕业考试而直通大学学习的途径。由此,佩卡获得了在1960年秋天进入赫尔辛基理工大学建筑系学习的机会。1966年,萨米宁以建筑师的身份毕业。萨米宁在学生时代便开启了自己的职业生涯,他曾分别在芬兰著名建筑师阿尔内·埃维(Aarne Ervi)和蒂莫·彭蒂拉(Timo Penttilä)的事务所工作。1968年,他同合伙人一同创立了一家事务所,这便是2006年成立的PES-Architects的前身。如今,在董事会主席托马斯·希诺宁(Tuomas Silvennoinen)和首席执行官雅科·萨米宁(Jarkko Salminen)的领导下,PES-Architects作为芬兰最重要的建筑设计事务所之一,将继续蓬勃发展。
佩卡·萨米宁于20世纪80年代担任芬兰建筑师协会(SAFA)主席,并于90年代末担任芬兰建筑公司协会(ATL)主席。他是芬兰技术科学院成员。萨米宁于1998年被芬兰总统授予教授荣誉称号(北欧最高学术称号),2002年获得芬兰国家艺术奖,2012年获得芬兰白玫瑰勋章指挥官十字勋章。他的国际荣誉还包括克罗地亚总统授予的克罗地亚之星勋章(2003年)和波兰建筑师协会授予的Bene Merentibus勋章(2019年)。1987年,芬兰Merikarhut帆船协会授予萨米宁“大金色航行者”勋章。
在其自传《远航》中, 佩卡·萨米宁说:“建筑的出口就像长途航行:最重要的决定是出发。”现在,他长长的人生航程已落下帷幕。留下的是家人们的思念:他的妻子泰拉·萨米宁(Telle Salminen)、儿子雅里佩卡(Jaripekka)和雅科(Jarkko)及其家人,以及更庞大的家族成员。他是一位充满激情、富有创造力和才华的建筑师,但家人和亲人在他的生活中同样重要。他运用自己的创造力,为孙女内拉(Nella)设计和建造了一座树屋,并一同完成了多种创意项目。这些都体现了他对家人的浓厚真挚的关爱。
Architect Internationally Known For His Cultural Buildings
Professor Pekka Salminen, an architect internationally renowned for his cultural buildings in Finland, Germany and China, passed away on May 30, 2024 after a short illness. Pekka Einari Salminen was born in Tampere on August 11, 1937.
Salminen’s path to becoming a university-educated architect was unconventional. After completing his secondary education, he first studied construction architecture at the Tampere Institute of Technology, which provided outstanding students with a direct pathway to university studies without a matriculation examination. This allowed Pekka to enroll in the architectural department of the Helsinki University of Technology in the autumn of 1960, graduating as an architect in 1966. Salminen started his career while still a student, working at Aarne Ervi’s and Timo Penttilä’s offices. In 1968, he and his partner founded the office that eventually became PES-Architects in 2006. Now under the lead of Tuomas Silvennoinen as chair of the board and Jarkko Salminen as CEO, PES-Architects continues to thrive as one of the foremost Finnish architecture practices.
At Penttilä’s office, Pekka Salminen devoted himself to the implementation of cultural buildings as project manager for the Helsinki City Theatre project. This was also where he developed an interest in international projects, which would become the pinnacle of his architectural career. International connections, both professional and personal, played a central role in his work and life. He actively sought contacts, initially in Europe – especially in Germany, Poland and Croatia – and then embarked on an exceptional new career in China in the early 2000s, at retirement age.
Salminen was a passionately enthusiastic, energetic, and open-minded visionary, known for his ability to initiate, solve, and persevere in bringing ideas to life. He believed that an architect’s mission is to design and build a better world for people to live, work and find personal fulfilment in. He often said that he was a passionate builder, and the starting point for his designs was often a structural idea that originated from organic forms in nature. In addition to the consideration of structures, materials, form and the users’ needs, architecture should form an intact whole. Both the interior and exterior of a building should convey the same atmosphere, form language and materiality. These principles are particularly evident in the Lahti City Theatre, where the majestic concrete architecture, technical solutions, humanity of the interior spaces, and the scale combine to form an uncompromising overall work of art. The Lahti City Theatre launched Pekka’s career as a designer of cultural buildings.
Salminen’s early works also included the master plan for the Lahti Sports Centre and its main grandstand, which is a typical example of Salminen’s skillful concrete architecture. Buildings for sports and recreation, as well as related research, were an essential part of Pekka Salminen’s career in the 1970s.
Salminen considered his main works to be the Lahti City Theatre (1983) and the extension of Helsinki Airport Terminal 2 (1999) in Finland, the Marienkirche Concert Hall (2001) in Germany, and the Wuxi Grand Theatre (2012) and Fuzhou Strait Cultural and Arts Centre (2018) in China. The Nanjing South New Town Convention and Exhibition Centre, currently under construction, will be his last completed project.
Salminen started work on the master plan for Helsinki Airport in 1985, leading to the construction of the Middle Terminal and numerous airport expansion and renovation projects. Since then, PES-Architects has been involved in various Helsinki Airport projects over a period of 39 years.
Pekka Salminen served as chair of the Finnish Association of Architects (SAFA) in the 1980s and as chair of the Association of Architectural Firms (ATL) in the late 1990s. He was also a member of the Academy for Technical Sciences in Finland. He received the title of Professor in 1998, the State Award for Art in 2002,
and the Commander’s Cross of the Order of the White Rose of Finland in 2012. His international recognitions included the Order of the Croatian Star awarded by the President of Croatia (2003) and the Bene Merentibus Medal awarded by the Polish Association of Architects (2019). The Merikarhut yachting association awarded Salminen with the Grand Golden Sailor’s Badge in 1987.
Sailing was a passionate hobby for Salminen in adulthood. In 1987, he sailed from Helsinki to the Mediterranean, continuing to the Adriatic Sea and Dubrovnik in Croatia. The island of Unije, located in northern Croatia, became the centre of Salminen’s international cultural activities for over two decades. The UWI Architecture Centre and Gallery operated during the summer, but reviving olive oil production was a year-round challenge. The crowning achievement was UWI’s own Art Olive Oil.
In his biography, Pitkä purjehdus (The Long Voyage, 2022), Pekka Salminen says, ‘The same rule applies to the export of architecture as to long-distance sailing: the most important thing is decide to go’. Now his long voyage of life has come to an end. He will be deeply missed by his wife Telle Salminen, sons Jaripekka and Jarkko with their families, and his extended family circle. Pekka was a passionate, creative and skilled architect, but his family and loved ones were also central to his life. He would use his creativity, for example, to design and build a treehouse for his granddaughter Nella, and in other creative projects with her. This reflected his sincere care for his loved ones.
The writers are Pekka Salminen’s wife Telle Salminen, architect Tuomas Silvennoinen, chair of the board of PES-Architects, and journalist Auri Häkkinen, the author of Salminen’s biography.